For your added security, La Touraine, Inc. has updated its password policy. Please take the following steps to continue to enjoy your subscription to our sites.
- Go to the members login page and select “Forgot password / Password isn't working”. If you attempt to login to your account with your existing password, your access will be denied.
- Please enter the email address associated with your account, enter CAPTCHA information, and select Submit.
- Please select the “Reset your password” button.
- Our system will send you a confirmation email with instructions to complete the password reset.
- Create a new password.
As a best practice, you should always create a unique password for each website you use on the Internet. Additionally, passwords should: (i) be at least eight characters long; (ii) not contain any portion of the website name, your user name, real name, company name or a complete word; and (iii) contain a mix of letters, numbers and symbols." - We recommend creating a new and different password for all websites and applications that had the same credentials.
If you have already updated your password or are still unable to log in to our site, there's a chance your account may be blocked for a number of reasons. Contact us in the form of a Customer Support Ticket and we'll check this out.
If you forgot your password, fill out a Customer Support Ticket and let us know that you've forgotten your information. We'll retrieve both your username and your password, and we'll email you the information.
A trial membership only lasts up to seven days maximum and allows a user to purchase a monthly recurring option for an individual Channel. A full membership consists of a month-to-month or a yearly option and allows a user to purchase an individual Channel add-on in both a recurring or one-time purchase format. See Terms of Service for full details.
In order to cancel your membership, please identify your biller and fill out our cancellation form and we will cancel your membership for you.
Terms & Conditions
We ask you to review our Terms of Use, which constitute a binding license agreement that you have agreed to when you joined.